Students Going

New international cooperation Denmark and Belgium

November 9, 2023
By: Gerd Alscher

Recently Nordjyllands Landbrugsskole (Denmark) and APB Provinciaal Onderwijs Antwerpen (Belgium), started a new project together. The goal is to have students learn about agriculture in another country. The 2 last years the school located in Belgium had 4-6 students come to Denmark in an internship on Danish farms, to learn about agriculture and Danish culture.

This year the roles were reversed. Nordjyllands Landbrugsskole had 7 students in Belgium for 3 weeks. The idea with the experience is to expand the students perception of agriculture, get new ideas + see that one common goal: To produce food in various ways, can be done differently.

The 7 students ended up having a trip which gave new ideas, friends and contacts which goes beyond borders, and are all ready for a new adventure out in the big world when the chance once again arises.

(Text and pics by David Jensen)Belgish Culture Pomfrit House Belgish Farmers Equipment Students Worked With One Of The Farmers The Lived With One Of The Farms

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