EUROPEA Austria meets University College
EUROPEA Austria, in cooperation with the University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy, organised “Treffpunkt Hochschule” (meeting point: university college) and asked the question: “How much Europe does our green – agricultural VET need?” Almost 60 teachers, principals, students and staff representatives from all 9 provinces participated in this event on 28 November 2018.
Keynote speaker Philipp Mayer defined the profile of an internationally successful school leaver and graduate. The following is necessary:
- practical experience
- solid knowledge
- willingness and committment to continuous education
- language skills
A successful school leaver:
- pursues clearly defined goals
- is critical and able to take criticism
- can treat him-/herself AND others in a positive manner
- surrounds him-/herself with capable people who wants the best for him-/herself
- is flexible and takes over responsibility

The Charter of Agricultural VET
In a double act Barbara and Elisabeth introduced the EUROPEA poster created in Retz and introduced the main aspects of the charta and its need for revision. In order to find out the opinion of the audience two questions were asked and the answers collected with the mentimeter tool. Participants see languages, digitalisation, structural challenges, diversification, networking, globalisation, professionalism and social competences as the main challenges.

Panel discussion
In the panel discussion with representatives of the school in Kobenz (Styria), teacher training college (HAUP Vienna), Rural Youth organisation and the working world questions on the benefits of international work placements, effects on national institutions and prospects for a “common agricultural – green – VET” were discussed.
In preparing the event the presenter had asked the panelists what EUROPEA means to them. The answers are motivating, gratifying and encouraging:
EUROPEA – open, active people with a big heart for inter-culturalism
EUROPEA – a bright spot and glimmer of hope on the agricultural VET horizon
EUROPEA – interesting discussions on general education and agricultural VET in particular; and the certainty to know like-minded people everywhere in Europe dealing with the advancement of young people in the rural areas.

All pictures by Jürgen Mück