
Pre and Post Corona – from The Netherlands

July 5, 2020
By: Jan Jeronimus | juditcovic

Erasmus+ mobilities and internationalization pre and post corona

Due to the Corona virus, the physical mobility part of internationalization has come to a grinding halt. A time of crisis is also a good moment to reflect on the achievements in the past: how have we performed over last few years? And how can we move on from here?

Physical mobility

Helicon, Citaverde, Lentiz and Wellantcollege are quite familiar among the Europea network members. The 4 Dutch VET institutions have been jointly applying for Erasmus+ subsidy as mobility consortium.

Have a look at the infographic below to learn the key facts and figures of our Erasmus+ mobilities in the recent years.

Internationalization at home

Due to strict restrictions of physical mobility, current figures are lagging behind recent years and aspirations. But international cooperation is also key to get out of this crisis. That is why we’re looking for ways to cooperate internationally without physical mobility so we can continue offering internationalization opportunities for students and staff.

This can be done, for example, with eTwinning, or by incorporating virtual exchange and COIL, where students from different cultures enrol in shared courses and collaborate online. If you have more suggestions, please feel free to share them.


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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

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