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Preparation for The Alimenterre festival at Brette les Pins VET school

March 26, 2023
By: Muriel Rocher | Katrin Uurman
At Brette les pins VET school, the students from the help and care sector are beginning to prepare  the organisation of The Alimenterre festival.
The Alimenterre festival is a national and international film festival to re think our agri-food systems in the world  and our way of living on earth. It tackles themes such as agriculture, food and environmental issues. It Is supported by the CFSI (French committee for international solidarity) and the French Ministry of Agriculture. This event happens  every year in Autumn from October 15 to November 30th. More than 1000 projections are organized in 600 municipalities, cinemas, associations and also VET school.  and ten countries.
In Brette les pins, the group of students will choose the films from the selection so as to show them to the other classes. The films will be followed by debates and workshops. They will alto be involved in the special evening dedicated to the parents and the inhabitants  of Brette les Pins. On this occasion, they will do the cooking, prepare a debate with special guests.
Every year the students implied in the festival notice they have gained new skills in  organization, communication and above all they are more aware of the challenges of food sustainability.
Voir site internet: le festival Alimenterre: www.alimenterre.org
Voilà pour la contribution de France Europea, j’espère que ça vous conviendra.
Bien à vous
Muriel Rocher
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