EU-FarmBook, is a Horizon Europe project that is working at regional, national, and European (EU) levels, to build a Online Platform, gathering and sharing agriculture and forestry knowledge. EU-FarmBook is the answer to real needs of farmers, foresters and advisors. The Horizon Europe project offers an interactive, multi-lingual meeting place for agriculture and forestry communities, giving access to trustworthy knowledge objects according to findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) data principles. EU-FarmBook users can interact and explore innovative ways to solve their daily challenges.
Partners: Ugent, CEJA, COPA-COGECA, ESSET Engage, ISP, LFG, Maastricht University, Osmos, TNO, ZLTO, BRSU, HNEE, HSRW, Euragri, IFOAM EU, EFI, ARC, EUFRAS, CDR, HCC, AUA, AKI NKFT, LKO, CREA, Consulai, MAPA, Vicomtech, IDELE, Teagasc