School to School

January 19, 2022
By: Monika Kisova | Katrin Uurman

The Secondary School of Viticulture and Fruit Growing in Modra started to publish school newsletter informing the public about the school activities and school events.

The school director supported the development of beekeeping by establishing an after school activity – beekeeping. Last year, three bee hives were purchased by the school, in which students, under the guidance of teachers, planted bee families.

Our school participated in the project „School to School“, supported by Bratislava self-governing region. Students of the first and second year planted an apricot alley consisting of three varieties of apricot in Ivanka pri Dunaji. Descriptive boards indicating the name and the description of the variety and also its importance within the nutrition were added to the trees. Students also designed a composter with the instructions on how to compost plant material.

Photo: Ing. Jana Novotná
Photos: Ing. Jana Novotná


Author: Monika Kisova

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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

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