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“Smart Housekeeping is Climate Protection” says the FOX!

March 17, 2020
By: Elisabeth Hönigsberger

17 goals for a better world

by Martina Fichtenbauer, LFS Unterleiten

It all started with a two-week project titled “Smart Housekeeping is Climate Protection”. When looking at the results, it quickly became clear that everything we can do to protect our climate is also a step towards the 17 goals for a better world formulated by the UN.

Our world needs creative students!


Together with the Waidhofen artist Herbert Petermandl (, students of the school Unterleiten transformed the goals into cartoons.

Herbert Petermandl providing expertise.

Unfortunately, the Corona Virus thwarted our plans, and the cartoons weren’t entirely completed. Nevertheless, once finished, there will be a great exhibition in the town hall of the city of Waidhofen on the Ybbs.


A first glimpse

Enjoy what has been done until now!

Our young artists from LFS Unterleiten!
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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484