The students of the 2nd year of the VET superior level “Processes and quality in the food industry” of the CPIFP Movera have developed during the last academic year the innovation project “Smartfood I+D+i”.
The students, grouped in teams of four people, have been asked to design and develop a food that brings some innovation to the food industry.
Functional food prototypes have been designed, as replacement of saturated fat by unsaturated in sausages or probiotic water kefir, foods for new niche markets such as cheeseburgers for vegan people, or simply prototypes that lead to a reduction of plastic containers such as muffins in edible moulds.
To achieve this, the students involved, guided by Miguel Blanco, teacher of food processing, have had to prepare a budget, manage their resources and develop their idea in a pilot processing plant, learning from their mistakes, taking responsibility for their results and growing professionally as expert food technicians. The teacher has become a coordinator and facilitator of activities. At the end of the project, the students have presented their prototypes to the rest of the class.