Eco Energy

Student competition launched by EBBEY project

December 26, 2015
By: Henrik Dethlefsen

Eco Energy

The 9 partners in the EBBEY project have decided to launch a student competition for green vocational students all over Europe. Under the headline, “BBE – what’s in it for you?”, students can present their ideas and considerations of the Biobased Economy (BBE). An international jury will select the most original contribution and invite the winning student and a teacher to attend the final project meeting scheduled for Friday 6 November 2015 in Luxembourg.

EBBEY stands for “Entering the Biobased Economy. The project focuses on the new developments towards a more sustainable and circular economy. It is expected, that the Biobased Economy will be to the 21st century what the fossil-based economy was to the 20th centrury. But are the agricultural training institutions all over Europe really ready for that? The EBBEY project – in which EUROPEA is an important partner – aims to develop learning materials and to stimulate European VET schools in getting more aware of these important developments.

Deadline for handing in contributions for the competition is 1 June 2015.

Read more about the competition: 1 – Poster EBBEY competition and 2 – Info page EBBEY Competition

Read more about EBBEY:

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