
Students of Bucovina Forestry College/Romania at the Forstry Championship 2023 in Kongsberg/Norway

June 12, 2023
By: Gerd Alscher

Great achievements are not born from the comfort zone! Therefore, we want to congratulate the manager and teachers of “Bucovina” Forestry College for their courage and determination to take their students to the hottest forestry skills competition in Norway, along with all forestry colleges in Europe.

Of all forestry high schools in Romania, they were the only ones who assumed this participation and effort. And they did it for the sake of their students. Hats off!

As for the contest, the results may not have been as good as wishes and expectations – 10th place out of 18 for our Bukovinians. The forestry course was with some errors, and in the chainsaw race the pressure, fatigue and stress of the competition took their toll. But… You know how they say? “My only competition is the person I was yesterday.” We also tell this to Bucovina students, we urge them not to be troubled and we wish them success in everything they do! We are convinced that passion and work will take each of them far, because they are valuable young people.

(Text andRo1 Ro2 Ro3 Ro4 pics by Gioconda:-))

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