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Sustainable pubs

March 11, 2018
By: Judit Čović

Despite their spooky name,ruin pubs („romkocsma” in Hungarian) have evolved into one of the must-see attractions in the capital of Hungary. This emerging movement in the Jewish Quarter of Budapest offers a unique experience. Placed in ramshackle old buildings these freaky spaces have a very special charm with their rickety furnishing, vintage objects and second-hand ornaments. And as for sustainability, a terrific way to re-use old properties and bygone souvenirs of the past!

Pic from Nándi’s Facebook page:

But, ruin pubs will offer you more than just creepy post-modern atmosphere and cheap drinks (including the inevitable “pálinka”, of course). Live music, theatre shows, second-hand shopping, even farmers markets (!) and exhibitions of contemporary artists are on! This great piece is by Nándi, an upcoming young talent. And guess what? He used to be our EUROPEA student!

Surprised? Well, … let Hungary do that to you again (and again) 😊



See also: Bp Ruin Bars


By Judit Covic (HU), leader of EUROPEA Editorial Group

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