EUROPEA-SWITZERLAND has been around since 2014. We currently have nine active members. This year will be special for our organization, as we are honoured to host and organize the EUROPEA autumn congress. The meeting will be held through the 21st and 25th of September 2021.
The main themes of the seminar will be about local agriculture, short-circuits, and e-commerce platforms.
Three things our guests will enjoy throughout their stay:
- A tour of a horticulture school
- Discovering four Swiss agricultures in different regions
- The ninth Market & Competition of Swiss local food (Concours suisse des produits du terroir)
As the organizer, we hope to provide to our Europeans’ friends an unforgettable experience in Switzerland.
Mark your calendars; we are waiting for you!
By Rafael GAILLARD, EUROPEA-Switzerland
Acknowledgements: many thanks to EUROPEA-Switzerland and Rafael 🙂
Media items: from Rafael (CH)