
The ANGIE 2.0 Pilot Project Experiences

December 8, 2014
By: Judit Čović

Fifth Work Meeting in Sweden

 22 – 23 September 2014

Linköping, SE

angiepicNine months after signing the Memorandum of Understanding in Krems, Austria, ANGIE 2.0 partners gathered in Sweden to share their experiences on the ECVET Pilot Projects, discuss the lessons learned and draw conclusions.

The aim of this ambitious project has been to create a methodology for assessment, evaluation and recognition of the informally gained competences, which might be valuable for the professional and the personal development of our students.

In order to achieve that goal Pilot Projects were carried out in spring and summer 2014. Partners sent students to each other for a three-week long practical training with formal assignments in ECVET-units with written learning outcomes and on their EQF level. Students had to write a blog every day and gave a regular account of everything that they have learned and experienced.

After reading and analysing the blogs it was concluded that they proved to be useful tools for the assessment of informal learning outcomes. Together with the STARR interview they can be used as instruments for evaluation of the informally gained competences.

During these busy two days the final documents of the project were also put together and the programme for the upcoming Dissemination Seminar was designed. Partners came up with lots of creative ideas so it is expected to be a huge Final ANGIE 2.0 Adventure in November (5-8) in Molina de Segura, Murcia, Spain.

More on ANGIE 2.0 at:

For the photos of the meeting click to:

Photos of the Pilot Project (taken by students all over Europe) here:

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