
“The Dandelion” wins the 3rd LAKO Poetry Award in Lower Austria

May 27, 2019
By: Elisabeth Hönigsberger

On 23 May 2019 the most creative poets in the agricultural school in Lower Austria were awarded the Poetry Prize. More than 400 poems with the theme Klima.Schutz (climate protection) were submitted and 9 finalists were chosen to read their poems to a jury of journalists and poets.

Hard work – great results! Picture EH

But – why should students of agricultural, green schools get involved in poetry?

The founder of this award – Rudi Weiß (LAKO) – started with the question:

“What do we need poems for?”

  • They condense our feelings
  • They are playgrounds for language
  • They perform magic with words

During the reading students laid down their feelings, thoughts, worries, anxieties, even helplessness; but also their power and the beauty of nature.

Angelika Schweiger (LFS Sooß) could convince the jury with her unmistakable style of writing as well as the professional presentation. EUROPEA congratulates these young talents!

Rudi Weiß (LAKO), Member of Parlament Georg Strasser, Victoria Ergodt (3rd place, LFS Zwettl), Lyrik-Award-Winner Angelika Schweiger (LFS Sooß), Thomas Schulz (2nd place, LFS Warth), Kristina Mandl (LAKO)
Picture: Jürgen Mück
The jury member and award-winning young author Susanne Schmalwieser in action. Picture Maria Ottenschläger


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