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The ECVET-STEP Invitation

October 30, 2015
By: Judit Čović


Courtesy of ECVET-STEP Project leader, Hans Blankestijn (NL), EUROPEA has received an invitation to the project’s Final Conference.

The aims and objectives of this enthusiastic partnership can be read in the following extract:

“ECVET-STEP aims at making the best value of the ECVET system, facilitating the transfer, accumulation and recognition of credits and learning outcomes or competences acquired otherwise between countries, thus promoting mobility and lifelong learning. ECVET-STEP’s mission is to support EU citizens and industry to ‘take the ECVET step’ adopt and use ECVET through a stepwise, quality-controlled framework and online services for building knowledge-based employment for the 21st century and beyond!”

The conference is scheduled for November 12, 2015 and will be held in Brussels, Belgium. Visit official ECVET-STEP website and learn more about the project.

Many thanks for the invitation and see you in November !!

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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

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Official Registration Number: 450983484