Luxembourg Icon

The one and only

January 12, 2019
By: juditcovic

The country of January 2019 is the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg! Read the following list and test your knowledge about this tiny but beautiful country of Europe.

Luxembourg …

>> is the one and only Grand Duchy in the world

>> is one of the smallest sovereign states in Europe

>> covers an area of only 2 586 square kilometres

>> has a population of 576 249 persons (2016)

>> one of the world’s highest GDP per capita

>> three official languages: French, German and Luxembourgish

>> is the leading EU country with the number of spoken foreign languages/person

>> is a founding member of the EU and of EUROPEA (read our History articles: HERE)

>> Luxembourg City is one of the three official capitals of the EU and the seat of the European Court of Justice, the European Court of Auditors, the Statistical Office of the European Communities (“Eurostat”) and the Secretariat of the European Parliament


Stay with us and get to know more 😊


Source: Wikipedia

Photos: Pixabay

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B-5030 Gembloux

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