From EUROPEA school, Vácimező (member of KMASZC centre)
The reputation of professions often depends on how much money you can earn with them. But there also are other, more creative, ways to make them attractive, to make a difference, make something great and remarkable for your students and their parents. Traditionally in Hungary we organise graduation ceremonies during our students last school year, just like in many other countries. But at our school, for the equestrian course students we have a graduation party involving HORSES!
This celebration stands out within all the professions we teach and it underlines the importance of graduating in equestrian sciences. The students can feel as their graduation party is unique and their very own.
We believe it helps to keep inspiring younger generations to choose the most suitable profession for themselves, and it also helps us to keep our traditions alive (Hungarians being a horse-riding nation). In Hungary, the name of a graduation event traditionally comes from the ribbons the students receive – The Celebration of Ribbons (Szalagavató). But for our students on the equestrian course, we have named it The Celebration of Horseshoes (Patkóavató).It is a great outdoor event when teachers and students ride together in a spectacular carousel to show their skills to the audience and most importantly, to enjoy the spotlight!
Acknowledgements: Many thanks to EUROPEA-Hungary and Péter 🙂
Photos: from Tímea (HU) and Péter (HU)