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We like it SLOW!

June 28, 2019
By: juditcovic | Wiesława Gąsiorowska

EUROPEA-Polska is the leading partner of the ERASMUS+ KA2 project called: “Slow food – long life: lost traditions back to kitchen.” Some of the most important objectives of this lovely project are:

  • to develop EU network for teaching and learning cooking traditions and slow food methods
  • to collect lost recipes and make videos and photos of cooking traditions
  • to support social and educational value of European cultural heritage

The project includes international and local meetings, training courses and the creation of a Cooking Book with all the materials gathered from the five partners coming from Poland, Estonia, Italy, France and Slovakia.

“We love this project!” – says Wiesława Gąsiorowska the NC of Poland. “Nobody has expected that it could change not only us but also our surroundings in a great way. We did the trainings; each partner took with them an innovative approach to renew or eventually, to build relationships through meetings and talks at the table. The need of slow is visible everywhere in opposition to fast. It gives us a lot of moments for reflection and making choices.”

Well, good luck, dear colleagues, and bon appétit !


Acknowledgements: Many thanks to Wiesia (PL) 😊

For more on the project visit the SLOW FOOD Facebook page.

More on global Slow Food organisation HERE.

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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484