
Welcome to the forest!

October 12, 2020
By: Pirkko Kivinen | juditcovic

During autumn and winter semesters education centre  Sedu Ähtäri Forestry unit arranges ”Open doors” – days in the school forest for the secondary school students of the surrounding municipalities. Normally during these days the number of visitors rises over 500 visitors per day.

Nevertheless, on Thursday 1/10/2020 less than 100 secondary school students  were welcomed in small groups and each group were taken care separately. We take Covid-19 safety regulations seriously! Visitors could follow different kind of working methods in the forest; working with chain-saws, harvesters and forwarders…@Seduforest. The student visits continue during October and November.


Acknowledgements: many thanks to EUROPEA-Finland, and our Finish colleagues Antti Virkkunen (education manager, Sedu) and Pirkko 🙂

Photos: from Antti (FI)


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EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484