
What is a Heuriger? Or is it Buschenschank?

October 22, 2018
By: Elisabeth Hönigsberger

“Ausg’steckt is” …………. it is simply – OPEN!

A bunch of twigs has to be put out to show that the Heuriger is open.

A Heuriger is a kind of wine tavern of a working winery. You can sample the grower’s wine and enjoy homemade, regional food.


Heuriger Bergmann in Retz

Joseph II, son of Empress Maria Theresia, allowed 1784 the growers to sell their own products. A special law regulates the details for a Heuriger. In a traditional Heuriger you are e.g. not allowed to serve warm food. In some areas you order from a menu, in other areas you go to the buffet and choose what you want.

Be careful – it tastes as good as it looks!

German growers talk about “Straußenwirtschaft”. If you see the word “Buschenschank” it means the same; Heuriger is – maybe – a bit more traditional. Buschen is an Austrian word for bunch. If you put the bunch out it means you are open!

The word has another meaning as well! The German word heuer means this year. So if you order a glass of ‘Heuriger’ you will get a wine of the latest vintage.

In Retz you can experience the Heuriger Bergmann, which is located next to the famous windmill, which is a landmark of Retz.

The windmill of Retz – the famous landmark of the town

Prost! Zum Wohl!