Impressions from Scotland

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Pia Schmidt Knudsen from Nordjyllands Landbrugsskole, Lundbæk Lundbaek Agricultural College and Sanne Baden from Green Academy JU Århus, both from Denmark,  recently returned from a job-shadowing trip to Scotland, financed […]


Gruppo Cork Estate 2023

The Erasmus+ Forest4life Project n. 2022 is coming to an end these days promoted by the consortium formed by the four historic forestry schools in Italy, IIS “A. FANFANI and […]

Award of Excellence to KMASZC!

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Great news from Hungary! On 14th March 2023 KMASZC (Agricultural Vocational Training Centre of the Central Hungarian Region, Budapest) was presented with the Award of Excellence by the Hungarian National […]

2022 – a successful year

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2022 was a very busy year for EUROPEA member Közép-magyarországi ASZC (Agricultural Vocational Training Centre of the Central Hungarian Region, Budapest, Hungary) as far as international cooperation is concerned. After […]

“Digitalis” student meeting

Digitalis Uk

Digitalis student meeting 28 March -1 April Norwich, UK Programme Monday – arrival, allocation of rooms at Easton College Tuesday – digital showcase and activities, lunch at CCN, sightseeing in […]

EUROPEA International Logo

EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484