Project work in agricutural schools in Serbia
In Serbia a lot of schools take part in (international) projects. Here are some examples: Food technicians from CATERING TOURISM SCHOOL NOVI PAZAR work in the project “Internationalization of the school […]
EUROPEA School “Šumatovac” in Aleksinac with new ERASMUS+-project
Biotechnology School “Šumatovac” in Aleksinac (Serbia), together with the Project Teams of the Biotechnical School from Maribor (Slovenia) and the Gospodarska School from Čakovec (Croatia), implemented an Erasmus plus project […]
Erasmus+ projects in Serbia
We are happy to inform you that this year we were approved two Erasmus + projects KA1 – Student mobility project named “Innovative practical teaching” (2012-1-RS01-KA122-VET-000016675) and KA2 – small […]
Introduction to Serbian VET school Sveti Trifun
Secondary school “Sveti Trifun” with hall of residence has a rich history and tradition. Our school is a combination of various different secondary schools – gymnasium, vocational schools oriented towards […]
Intorduction to Servian VET shool Svilajnac
Agricultural and veterinary boarding school “Svilajnac” was founded in 1957 and already has a 64-year long tradition. The school estate spreads over 130 hectares which are under various cultures and […]
Introduction to Serbian VET school Stevan Petrović Brile
Secondary Vocational School “Stevan Petrović Brile” is school with 50 years old tradition. We have 5 educational profiles, veterinary and agricultural technicians on 4th degree of vocational training and butcher […]
Broadening horizons: Hungarian student in Serbia
Due to historical and geographical reasons there are significant Hungarian minorities in the neighbouring countries of this Eastern European state. A few years ago, the government started a program called […]
Strawberry ‘fields’ forever!
From EUROPEA member Biotechnology School Sumatovac in Aleksinac, Serbia: Online teaching didn’t bring us much happiness but it is the only way we can function at the moment, so we […]
Serbia: how to better international cooperation during the pandemic
The big news from Serbia is that EUROPEA Agricultural School Šumatovac (Aleksinac) changed its name to Biotechnology School Šumatovac!! They have also introduced some new courses to make the school […]
Our School Today – Tomorrow
In our school there are currently 372 pupils in 15 classes and the pupils are being educated for the following occupations: technician of agriculture, technician of food-processing, veterinary technician, technician […]