Project work in agricutural schools in Serbia


In Serbia a lot of schools take part in (international) projects. Here are some examples: Food technicians from CATERING TOURISM SCHOOL NOVI PAZAR work in the project “Internationalization of the school […]

Erasmus+ projects in Serbia

Erasmus + Ka1

We are happy to inform you that this year we were approved two Erasmus + projects KA1 – Student mobility project named “Innovative practical teaching” (2012-1-RS01-KA122-VET-000016675) and KA2 – small […]

Introduction to Serbian VET school Sveti Trifun


Secondary school “Sveti Trifun” with hall of residence has a rich history and tradition. Our school is a combination of various different secondary schools – gymnasium, vocational schools oriented towards […]

Intorduction to Servian VET shool Svilajnac


Agricultural and veterinary boarding school “Svilajnac” was founded in 1957 and already has a 64-year long tradition. The school estate spreads over 130 hectares which are under various cultures and […]

Broadening horizons: Hungarian student in Serbia


Due to historical and geographical reasons there are significant Hungarian minorities in the neighbouring countries of this Eastern European state. A few years ago, the government started a program called […]

Strawberry ‘fields’ forever!


From EUROPEA member Biotechnology School Sumatovac in Aleksinac, Serbia: Online teaching didn’t bring us much happiness but it is the only way we can function at the moment, so we […]

Our School Today – Tomorrow

Serbia Heart Icon 256

In our school there are currently 372 pupils in 15 classes and the pupils are being educated for the following occupations: technician of agriculture, technician of food-processing, veterinary technician, technician […]

EUROPEA International Logo

EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484