Agromash Expo in Budapest

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Every year, the students of our school visit one of the largest agricultural exhibitions in our region, the Agromash Expo in Budapest. We did the same thing this year, on […]

When Pumpkin Turns into Magic

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Our school is located in Bors, Romania, near the Hungarian border. The school has students of all ages, from young children to teenagers studying agriculture and electronics, as well as […]

Learning outside the classroom


Agriculture is a rapidly developing sector. In particular, the modernization of machines and equipment is becoming more and more important every year. Our school – Liceul Tehnologic Agroindustrial „Tamasi Aron” […]

Experimental potato cultivation in Romania


The LTA” Tamási Áron” Bors school is located in Romania, close to the Hungarian border. Agricultural vocational education has been operating at the school for more than ten years.  This […]

Visit Romania

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10 best places to visit in Romania – the country to discover!  

Romania’s Flora

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Romania’s Flora It was edited in 13 volumes, between 1952 and 1976, each volume containing an average of about 717 pages in the 60 / 70×100 format, thus a total […]

European Championship in Forestry Skills

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European Championship in Forestry Skills Since 2010, the forestry high schools from Romania participated in the European Championship in Forestry Skills proposed by the EUROPEA International Association. If at first […]

EUROPEA International Logo

EUROPEA – Europe de l’Enseignement Agronomique AISBL

Centre Technique Horticole

Chemin de Sibérie 4

B-5030 Gembloux

Official Registration Number: 450983484