New Generation in Education 2.0
The ANGIE 2.0 project aims to develop and validate a methodology to recognize, assess and validate formal and informal learning in the authentic international workplace to contribute to the formal degree handed out by the students own education institution in their home country. This methodology will be described in a manual and entails various aspects regarding the recognition of the various ways of learning for assessing and validating these learning outcomes. The methodology will be developed and tested in a pilot-project in tailor-made ECVET-units. The purpose of the ECVET Recommendation is to create a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (‘ECVET’) intended to facilitate the transfer, recognition and accumulation of assessed learning outcomes of individuals who are aiming to achieve a qualification. These learning outcomes could be gained by formal and informal learning in the international authentic workplace.
This will improve the general understanding of citizens′ learning outcomes and their transparency, transnational mobility and portability across and will also improve the mobility and portability of qualifications at national level between various sectors and within the labour market. Furthermore, it will contribute to the development and expansion of European cooperation in education and training. The objectives, linked to the European priorities that this project strives to achieve can be described as follows:
- To Identify and validate formal, (non formal) and informal learning to strengthen the comparability and transparency of validation approaches and methods in ECVET units.
- To embed EQF in the ECVET units and quality assurance reference framework for vocational education and training/ Dissemination products
- To develop and pilot 7 ECVET-units concerning vocational innovative subjects
- To develop a manual that entails a broad outline of the methodology, a description of requirements and guidelines for implementing the methodology for recognizing, assessing and validating formal and informal learning in ECVET units
- To have a dissemination seminar of the outcomes of the project