Digitalis2 (1)



Lycée Technique Agricole
1, Kréiwénkel
L-9374 Gilsdorf
Phone: +352 621 29 39 78


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.







Complete Learning Unit 1

Complete Learning Unit 2


Digitalis Newsletters

Newsletter No 1, Oct 2020 (Compiled by the team Estonia)
Newsletter No 2, Dec. 2020 (Germany)
Newsletter No 3, Jan. 2021 (Austria)
Newsletter, No 4, Oct. 2021 (All partners)
Newsletter No 5, March 2022 (Luxembourg)
Newsletter No 6, Sept 2022 (UK)


Project description

With DIGITALIS (named after Digitalis purpurea, the foxglove, a medicinal or poisonous plant, depends from the dose) we want to create a foundation to a European collaboration which assists school, teachers and students in adopting the digitalisation in their vocational education and training. Seminars and a collection of guidelines should improve the competences of the teachers and help the schools in their digitalisation efforts. A description of the useful apps together with providing ready to use content will be an efficient way to implement digitalisation to the own practice. Complete learning units will illustrate as inspiring practice the digitalisation in green VET. This will all be made available in a database, a showcase accessible to anyone. The aim is not to create a collection of data assembling dust somewhere on a server, but to create a fundament for gathering resources and expertise from green VET schools all over Europe. 

Expected outcomes: 

  • Showcase of inspiring practices of digital education 
  • Guidelines library (copyright, MDM,…based on showcase) 
  • App descriptions 
  • Learning resources 
  • Complete learning units (every partner provides at least one)
  • Badges 

The partners working together in this Erasmus+ project are: 

But you are all invited and welcome to add your resources and expertise to our outcomes!

Subscribe the project newsletter!